loss leader

a popular article that is sold at a very low price or at a loss for the purpose of attracting customers to a retail store.
Compare leader (def 4).
Related forms
loss-leading, adjective
Examples from the web for loss leader
  • In fact the reactor is the loss leader for companies that make fuel rods.
  • See how support for corn based ethanol has dropped once people finally did the math and figured out it was a loss leader.
  • It can be a loss leader, but let's focus on the low hanging fruit.
  • But grocers will only advertise if the product is a loss leader, a low-cost item that brings in customers.
  • Now, historically the refining industry in this country has been a loss leader.
  • We believe that audit fees have been artificially low because audit work has been used as a loss leader to obtain consulting work.
  • Clearly, this was a loss leader for the post office.
  • And then they often use film as a loss leader to attract consumers into their stores.
British Dictionary definitions for loss leader

loss leader

an article offered below cost in the hope that customers attracted by it will buy other goods